
Obed River Dedication
Ceremony March 31, 2000

Marianne Wilson or Danielle Droitsch - National Parks Conservation Association
W: 865-457-7775 F: 865-457-6499 Email: mwilson@npca.org / ddroitsch@npca.org
Government officials and environmentalists gather at
national park to dedicate Obed Wild and Scenic River
Officials will sign declaration to protect river
Who: National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) will host a dedication ceremony at Obed Wild and Scenic River (WSR). Public officials from across the state and individuals from neighboring communities will be in attendance to celebrate the event.
What: The dedication ceremony will publicly acknowledge that Obed Wild and Scenic River received the highest level of protection under the Clean Water Act by being designated as an Outstanding National Resource Water (ONRW). Milton Hamilton, Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, will be the primary speaker. High school students from Central High School in Wartburg, TN will be monitoring water quality of Obed WSR. Also, a declaration will be signed by the public officials to acknowledge the importance of this designation and to commit to protecting the Obed WSR for future generations. The declaration will then be delivered to National Park Service personnel. Furthermore, this ceremony will precede the Tennessee Paddle Festival on April 7-9, 2000. Please refer to www.tennessee.paddle.com
Why: Last year, a heated controversy formed between government officials, local community members, and environmentalists concerning the uses and protection of Obed WSR. Government officials saw that Cumberland County was sorely in need of a consistent water supply while environmentalists saw the value in protecting the ecology and grandeur of the river. After much debate, a consensus was reached that benefited both ends of the spectrum - Cumberland County received its water supply and Obed WSR was designated as an ONRW. This consensus is incredibly significant due to the rarity of two sides representing polar opposites agreeing on a similar strategy in which both sides win.
When/Where: The dedication ceremony will be held Friday, March 31, 2000 at 1:00pm at Lilly Bridge in Obed WSR National Park. In case of rain, the ceremony will be held at Obed Visitor Center (423-346-6294). The ceremony should last approximately one hour.
For directions, please contact the NPCA office with the number listed above.
Anyone is welcome to attend. Please contact the NPCA office as soon as possible if you plan to attend this ceremony or with any questions.