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Where There is Water You
Will Likely Find Rock!

Ever notice that many of the places paddlers go you will also find rock climbers? The same natural forces that create nice waters to run also tend to leave above them nice rock to climb. The best example by far in this area is the Obed/Clear Creek watershed. Similarly, boating and climbing tend to attract folks with similar personalities and traits; physically active people, desiring challenge and some risk, with a love and respect for the outdoors.

Dave Coleman cranking a Clear Creek roof upside down!The general public’s perception of people involved in extreme sports is a very real issue for both boaters and climbers. Only through a two prong effort, involving responsible stewardship of the wilds by user groups and an effort to educate the average person about our sports can we hope to preserve places like the Obed and our ability to enjoy them.

The National Park Service is currently generating a Climbing Plan that will involve studies to determine how much climbing, where, when, and how, is compatible with preservation of the unique ecological resources of the Obed cliffs, and with the feeling of remoteness and wilderness of the gorges. Our prime interest is the preservation of the unique resources of this Wild & Scenic River.

As part of the Festival planners effort to increase an environmental awareness of the Obed among users and others, why not check out what some other folks have been doing just above you as you navigated your favorite river run?

At the Festival in Wartburg on Saturday, April 7th,you will find a bouldering wall in CBC Adventures (across from the Courthouse) and a portable climbing wall from The Climbing Center at RiverSports in Knoxville on the Square. 

We'll have an information booth where you can find out more about climbing in the area and sign up for trips on Saturday throughout the day to the real rock for climbing and rappelling!

If you are interested in climbing on Saturday before the Festival @ 2 PM please email Frank Harvey (first come first served). Trips are planned for 10 AM, Noon, 2 PM and 4 PM with up to six climbers for each trip.  No experience is necessary and you should come aware with an appreciation of the fun of climbing and the need to climb with due care for yourself, your partners and the environment.

Gear will be provided and experienced climbers will be with you to see you have a fun, safe and environmentally friendly experience. Conditions permitting, this will take place at the Lilly Bluff area. There will be no charge for the trip but a contribution to the Festival would be appreciated! 

Silent Auction items will include a guided climbing trip for up to four for a day.  All these activities and items are courtesy of the Festival, The Life Development Center, The Climbing Center, CBC Adventures, and local climbers.

If you have any questions or suggestions, want to express your interest now in trying climbing, or want to be involved in helping out, please contact Frank Harvey at (865) 986-6618. 

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