Be a Vol

Like any major fundraising event we rely on the contributions of volunteers to make things go off with a bang! We have lots of opportunities for you to pitch-in. To date we have identified the following kinds of activities we need help with and which days they would occur. If you can volunteer, even a few hours here or there, it would help a great deal.
When signing up for as a volunteer, be sure to include your
name, e-mail and a home contact number. Please sign-up for at least one block of time
(typically 2-4 hours), though feel free to sign up for more than one activity as we can always use more help!!
For more information please contact Karen
Catlett-Kadas or Ben Kadas.
If you can not contact either of us by e-mail, please call 865-483-8735.
Help Us with Water Quality Testing
If you can help us with water quality
sampling April 6 and 7 we would like
to hear from you. Read more about this on the "what's
up" page. We need volunteers with cars or trucks
that don't mind doing a lot of driving and maybe getting wet
to collect the water samples.
We also need some boaters that could collect
water from locations within the gorge (Antioch to Nemo on
Daddy's Creek and the Obed, Clear Creek: Lilly to Nemo, and
Emory River: Nemo to Oakdale).