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Obed Dedication as ONRW 

In a ceremony held on March 31, 2000 state and local officials, together with environmentalists, gathered to recognize designation of the Obed Wild and Scenic River as an Outstanding National Resource Water - the highest level of protection given under the Clean Water Act.

At the ceremony, attendees signed a proclamation pledging their continued efforts to protect the river and to signify its value as a natural resource. In addition, local high school students conducted water quality monitoring in the river. The event was held as part of the Tennessee Paddle Festival for the Obed to be held at the Obed Wild and Scenic River April 7-9, 2000. 

The Outstanding National Resource Water designation is the highest protection afforded under the Clean Water Act. It prohibits new or expanded discharges into the river in order to protect the river's water quality. "Tennessee's water is her greatest natural resource. We are proud the Obed Wild and Scenic River has been designated as one of this nation's Outstanding National Resource Waters," said Governor Don Sundquist.

The pledge that was signed at the ceremony was presented to the Superintendent of the Obed Wild & Scenic River National Park and was placed at the Visitors Center in Wartburg. It contains the following language:

"We, the undersigned, hereby acknowledge and proclaim the intrinsic value of this unit of the National Park System, the Obed Wild and Scenic River, as a fountain of recreational and scenic opportunities for both local communities and visitors from across the country. As proud neighbors and stewards of this national treasure, we pledge our commitment to the protection and preservation of the Obed so that it may be enjoyed and admired unimpaired by future generations."

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