TSRA Clear Creek

Clear Creek Jett to Nemo Cleanup May 19, 2001
In conjunction with National River Cleanup Week (May 12 - 19, 2001)
the Tennessee Scenic Rivers Association, TSRA, will sponsor a cleanup of Clear Creek (Jett to Nemo) on May 19,
2001. We
will meet at the Obed Wild and Scenic office in Wartburg at 10:00 AM CDT (11:00 AM EDT).
See "the Map" page for directions.
We will at least cleanup the access points. If there is water we
will run a
sweep of the river. All interested individuals and clubs are encouraged to
help with this effort.
We are extremely lucky that the Obed Wild and Scenic River is as clean as it
is. However, this week I have been watching the banks trying to determine if
urban trash is along this section of river. Yes, there is some. Even half an
aluminum canoe wrapped around a tree on river right was located. Several
10-foot sections of plastic pipe are located just up stream from Lilly
Bridge on river right.
The tenth annual National River Cleanup Week® will take place May 12-19,
2001. Each year National River Cleanup Week encourages cleanups of local waterways
and promotes the importance of keeping rivers and streams clean. More than
54,000 volunteers took part in the last cleanup experience from June
2000. Civic clubs, businesses, paddle sports enthusiasts, fishing groups,
outfitters and conservation groups join together across the country to
organize and execute cleanups of their selected streams. This stimulates
cleanups of blighted areas and helps communities focus attention on
neglected waterways.
Since the beginning of National River Cleanup Week® in 1992 - 326,707
volunteers have participated in 4,079 cleanups covering 80,451 miles of shoreline and
waterways! Many groups report that their efforts are paying off with greater
awareness and community support occurring on the local level.
National River Cleanup Week® assists local groups with information on how to
conduct a successful river cleanup, how to promote their event, and provides
safety tips. Groups that register their cleanups may receive free National
River Cleanup trash bags for cleanups occurring during the week of May
12-19, 2001. Trash bags are subject to availability. Groups that register
receive a packet of educational materials prior to the cleanup week. A video
on "How to Conduct and Organize a River Cleanup" is available for $10.95.
For additional information online go to America
Outdoors and click on National River Cleanup Week or
email them. I have registered our cleanup.
For additional information and to volunteer call David Luinstra
or 931-863-3592. Everyone is welcome. Not limited to TSRA